News 24 July 2018
The new Andover Forktruck Services daily or pre-shift check book are in-stock offering the following benefits.
- Binded A5 book offering complete daily check history per machine
- A full list of daily checks with ok or defect tick box
- This offers increased health and safety
- Opportunity to report any minor or major defects before starting truck operation
- Fully explained breakdown of how to carry out the operator checks
All new forklift trucks will be supplied with one of these as standard on delivery but if you are current service customer and would like to claim one free book then please fill out our talk to us page and quote “free daily check book”
To purchase a book to cover any forklift / plant equipment or replenish a completed book then please email or call the service team on 01264 324055
Prices from £2.50 per book.